

Mar 21, 2019

Old Town Road

lil shoot + playlist

Jan 2, 2019


🎈 + playlist!

Nov 14, 2018


Hi hello, I’ve left the house!

Aug 19, 2018

Carrot Cake Muffins

When I asked Lee to give me a sentence for these muffins, he said – a smooch in a muffin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aug 1, 2018

Raw Berrycake

There’s nothing better than a cold raw berrycake on a hot summer’s day.

May 30, 2018

Cividale del Friuli

A charming and historical town, Cividale del Friuli was founded by Julius Caesar in B.C. period, but dates back from prehistory.

May 10, 2018


Throwback to a sunny day in April with Slađana, Sarah and Lee ♡

Feb 13, 2018

18/Pancake day

Pancake day – what a glorious day! A whole day dedicated to the the most simple, yet possibly the most delightful sweet treat? What could be better! The smells…

Jan 2, 2018


(thanks lee, for the first and last pic <3) 

Dec 28, 2017


2017 was everything I wasn’t prepared for. So I’ve decided to go through some memories and give this challenging piece of a year proper closure.     May 2018…